
Ecoarchitecture.it is the go-to place to find resources about Green Architecture, Eco friendly Design, News, Sustainability in Constructions and Green Building Certifications.


Our aim is to spread awareness on the importance of sustainable practices between professionals in the Green Construction Industry, students and whoever is dedicated to topics about environment, climate change and ecological design.

At this scope, we analyze the topics gravitating around Eco Architecture through articles, projects, inspiration hints and a bibliography reported in the reference at the end of each article.


The objectives set by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 are an urgent call for action to all countries. Those goals urge the governments in taking steps in the direction of a more sustainable future, tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

At Ecoarchitecture.it we believe that a big share is done by working on the built environment, supporting better practices in Green Building and Efficient Energy use.

The focus is on education but also on technologies and building materials as main elements of the process. A process that aims to be circular in order to reduce waste, promote recycle and avoid the consumption of resources less and less available.


The contribution of the professional community is crucial so is possible to work on a common ground with common goals. That’s why is important to make the information ready, well structured, organized and updated.

In this way, we foster a community of current and future professional pursuing careers in the Green Building and Sustainable Architecture and Design. That includes clients who wants to apply the Green Architecture best practices to their projects.

We follow the latest updates in the Green Construction Industry in order to give first hand information and consulting.


To educate on the importance of sustainable practices between all the figures involved in the Green Construction Industry.


To put in place a circular process in order to reduce waste, promote recycle and avoid the consumption of resources less and less available.


  • Education
  • Sustainability
  • Community


M. architect graduated in “Architectural Landscape and Environmental Systems” at Polytechnic University of Milan. Design experience in Italy, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Mozambique. Current works on the themes of Urban Revitalization, Public Space, Sustainability, Green Buildings.

ecoarchitecture.it MAGAZINE

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